Friday, 16 September 2016

During the week of September 12 - 16, we have been:

Kindergarten:  In the one class we have had with each of the kindergarten classes, we started learning each of the students' names as we sang the song, "Name, Name".   We also sang songs that exposed the students to musical terms such as fast - slow; high - low.  We sang action songs, the "Alphabet Song" and "This Old Man" (A song about numbers)  We played 2 circle games:  "Ring Around the Rosy" and "The Farmer in the Dell."

Grades 1, 2:  We have been getting to know the students' names and setting expectations for music in grades one and two.  We are reviewing some of the concepts and songs from kindergarten.  Some of the songs are new to kindergarten.  Most of the songs are review to the grade twos.

Grades 3 - 6:  We are developing a rubric for singing.  the students have contributed ideas on what helps us sing better.  We have spent time figuring out exactly how we can help someone learn to sing a song.  After we establish our rubric, for singing in tune, students who are making connections and singing in tune consistently as we learn new songs, can then help other students learn to sing in tune.

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